WWF Summerslam 1989 - August 28th 1989 - Rutherford, New Jersey
The Brain Busters defeated the Hart Foundation (6/10)
Dusty Rhodes defeated Honky Tonk Man (7/10)
Mr Perfect defeated the Red Rooster (5/10)
Rick Martel and the Faboulous Rougeaus defeated Tito Santana and The Rockers (6/10)
The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick Rude {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)
Jim Duggan and Demolition defeated Andre the Gian and The Twin Towers (6/10)
Hercules defeated Greg Valentine (5/10)
Ted Dibiase defeated Jimmy Snuka (5/10)
Hulk Hugan and Brutus Beefcake defeated Randy Savage and Zeus (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Although the main event was built up using a Hogan movie it actually turned out to be very good. Firstly it was nice to see Beefcake in the main event who was always a great charismatic worker. It was also good to see Sherri with Savage as they worked very well together as well as the return of Miss Elizabeth. Some great moments in the main event. Also Warrior beating Rude for the Intercontinental title was a great Summerslam moment.
Moments - Negatives
The Red Rooster gimmick was awful - honestly just watch this event. Also the whole concept of Zeus at the PPV, in the main event, given he was Hogan's nemesis in the movie "No Holds Barred" was just a shocking idea that I think discredited wrestling and wrestlers themselves. This always seems to be the case when hollywood is involved. Though the main event ended up being very good, this was not in any part thanks to Zeus. Also a few poor matches such as the Hercules/Valentine contest and the Dibiase/Snuka work.
Overall Summary
By no means an amazing event, especially following a great Wrestlemania but this was still pretty solid. Again, the main event made the PPV!!
SCORE = 7.0
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