Monday 5 January 2009

WWF Survivor Series 1988 - November 1988

WWF Survivor Series 1988 - November 24th 1988 - Richfield, Ohio

Powers of Pain, The Rockers, British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation and The Young Stallions defeated Demoliton, Brain Busters, The Bolsheviks, The Fabolous Rougeaus and The Conquistadors, (4/10)
Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, Sam Houston, Blue Blazer defeated Honky Tonk Man, Ron Bass, Danny Davis, Greg Valentine and Bad News Brown (5/10)

Andre the Giant, Dino Bravo, Mr Perfect, Harley Race and Rick Rude defeated
Jim Duggan, Jake Roberts, Scott Casey, Ken Patera and Tito Santana (6/10)
The Megapowers, Koko B Ware, Hillbilly Jim and Hercules defeated The Twin Towers, Ted Dibiase, Haku and the Red Rooster

Moments - Positives
This truly had very few positive stand-out moments as far as a classic event is concerned. The main event was "solid" mainly due to the popularity of the Mega Powers and a nice story during the match where by Hogan was handcuffed and saved by Miss Elizabeth. Hogan was then celebratin with Miss Elizabeth on his arms which made Randy Savage very jealous and thus would set up the Wrestlemania V main event. The other notable moments are the debuts of Mr Perfect as well as the Rockers (HBK included).

Moments - Negatives
The card had four matches which told very little story. As with most of these surivor matches, they were slow, at times painful to watch and I have to say I was pretty bored during a number of different moments. Clearly the main event made this PPV and to be perfectly honest that was not so great either. It did the right job at building up a feud between Hogan and Savage but that is about it.

Overall Summary
It was not a solid card, it was not a great event. The PPV showcased the majority of WWF talent, which at times was impressive and included great young wrestlers such as HBK, Mr Perfect, Bret Hart amongst others but the matches themselves told very little story, had very little hype and just were not well done. The only positive was the Randy Savage / Hogan and Megapower showdown / begining of the break up! Overall, a pretty big dissapointment.

SCORE = 3.5

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