Thursday 26 March 2009

WWF Wrestlemania VIII - April 1992

WWF Wrestlemania VIII - April 5th 1992 - Indianapolis, Indiana

Shawn Michaels defeated El Matador (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Jake Roberts (7/10)
Bret Hart defeated Roddy Piper {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)

Big Bossman, Sgt Slaughter, Virgil and Jim Duggan defeated Nasty Boys, Repo Man and Mountie (5/10)
Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (10/10)
Tatanka defeated Rick Martel (6/10)
Natural Disasters defeated Money Inc {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Owen Hart defeated Skinner (5/10)
Hulk Hogan defeated Sid Justice (8/10)

Moments - Positives
This had many great moments, the staredown between Sid and Hogan, a classic bout between Flair and Savage for the World title and Miss Elizabeth's choice at the very end of the match, Shawn Michaels true debut as the Heartbreak Kid, Owen Hart making a mark on the WWF, a great tag match for the WWF Tag team titles and the return of the Ultimate Warrior to help Hogan defeat Sid!

Moments - Negatives
The big tag team match in the middle was pretty poor and Owen Hart's match with Skinner was too short and unnecessary. Apart from this no real negatives!

Overall Summary
This was one of my favourites Wrestlemania's to date and it is the second PPV to date with a 10/10 match since Wrestlemania V's Hogan/Savage main event. The Sid/Hogan match was well done but should have taken place before Savage/Flair although that is a very minor negative. Excellent.

SCORE = 9.5

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