WWF Royal Rumble 1995 - January 22nd 1995 - Tampa, Florida
Jeff Jarrett defeated Razor Ramon {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)
The Undertaker defeated IRS (7/10)
Diesel drew with Bret Hart {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (7/10)
Bob Holly & 1-2-3 Kid defeated Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Shawn Michaels won the Royal Rumble (8/10)
Diesel drew with Bret Hart {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (7/10)
Bob Holly & 1-2-3 Kid defeated Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Shawn Michaels won the Royal Rumble (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Jarrett winning his Intercontinental title stands out from this event as I was always a huge Jarrett fan in my time and so this is quite special. Shawn Michaels entering the Rumble at no1 and winning it is also a feat which was unheard of at the time, the ending of the match is also a classic moment in WWF history as Bulldog begins to celebrate and it turns out only one of Michaels' feet hit the floor. Brilliant.
Moments - Negatives
The World title match kept getting restarted and laster for far too long given the quality of wrestling and could have been better. Some of the spots within the Rumble were not the best and the WWF Tag Team Title match was pretty average.
Overall Summary
As an event, it certainly was not one of the greatest but it was an important Rumble as it enforced HBK as a fully fledged main event wrestler. It also has a key place in my heart as one of my favourite wrestlers of all time wins the IC title for his first time in Jeff Jarrett. Overall - a solid event!
SCORE = 7.5
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