Saturday 11 April 2009

WWF Wrestlemania X - March 1994

WWF Wrestlemania X - March 20th 1994 - Madison Square Garden, New York

Owen Hart defeated Bret Hart (8/10)
Bam Bam Bigelow and Luna defeated Doink the Clown and Dink (6/10)
Randy Savage defeated Crush {Falls Count Anywhere Match} (8/10)

Alundra Blayze defeated Lelilani Kai {WWF Women's Title} (5/10)
Men on a Mission defeated the Quebecers {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (7/10)
Earthquake defeated Adam Bomb (5/10)
Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels {WWF Intercontinental Title Ladder Match} (10/10)
Bret Hart defeated Yokozuna {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
Some classic moments like Owen Hart finally beating his brother in a classic bout, Mr Perfect screwing Lex Luger out of the WWF World Title, Bret Hart winning the title and the locker room / Vince McMahon coming out to celebrate and one of the most fantastic matches in history which set a precedent for all Ladder matches to follow in HBK vs Razor. The poorer matches were kept short which also helped the event. Also check out Savage vs Crush - an excellent match which took the action backstage, one of the first time WWF did this during a PPV event.

Moments - Negatives
A couple of matches were quite average but as these were kept to a minimum not too many negatives at all.

Overall Summary
Although the main event doesnt live up to say Warrior/ Hogan and Andre/Hogan, the overall card was probably the best Wrestlemania card to date. Most of the matches were fantastic, had a story behind it and worked really well. Savage showed he still had it, Hart showed he truly was main event and Razor/HBK tore the roof down! An excellent start to 1994 given the great Royal Rumble too....

SCORE = 9.5

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