Tuesday 25 August 2009

WWF King of the Ring 1999 - June 1999

WWF King of the Ring 1999 - June 27th 1999 - Greensboro, North Carolina

X-Pac defeated Hardcore Holly (6/10)
Kane defeated the Big Show (6/10)
Mr Ass defeated Ken Shamrock (6/10)
Road Dogg defeated Chyna (5/10)
The Hardy Boyz defeated the Brood (6/10)
Mr Ass defeated Kane (7/10)
X-pac defeated Road Dogg (6/10)
The Undertaker defeated The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Mr Ass defeated X-Pac {KOTR Final} (7/10)
Vince and Shane McMahon defeated Steve Austin {Control of WWE Ladder Match} (9/10)

Moments - Positives
This was one of my favourite angles of all time in pro-wrestling. Vince McMahon turned out to be the higher power, the true leader of the Corporate Ministry all because he hated Austin that much. Little did he know, Linda McMahon would relinquish her ownership of the WWE and Steve Austin would become CEO of the WWF. This angle lead to the handicap ladder match - an instant classic during which the briefcase was lowered for the McMahons and they regained the WWF control. The match was fantastic too. Rock/Undertaker was overshadowed by the Ladder match and was very good. Mr Ass winning the KOTR was questionnable however I did actually enjoy his push and its a shame it never materialised past the Summerslam match against The Rock. This was also an important PPV debut for the Hardy Boyz!

Moments - Negatives
Chyna involved in KOTR was pretty poor and her match against Chyna was a little rubbish too. The X-pac / Road Dogg match was not very good either considering the rest of the card quality.

The tournament was solid and easy to watch and the rest of the card was very good even though some of the match quality was poor. The Ladder match and its build up was one of the best of all time and it is such a great PPV to watch in order to really get the Austin/McMahon feud and the attitude era.

SCORE = 8.5

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