Wednesday 12 August 2009

WWF No Mercy (UK) - May 1999

WWF No Mercy (UK) - May 16th 1999 - Manchester, UK

Tiger Ali Singh defeated Gillberg (3/10)
The Ministry defeated The Brood (6/10)
Steve Blackman defeated Droz (6/10)
Kane defeated Mideo via DQ (6/10)
Nicole Bass defeated Tori (4/10)
Shane McMahon defeated X-Pac {WWF European Title} (7/10)
Mr Ass defeated Mankind (7/10)
Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker and Triple H {WWF World Heavyweight Title - Triple Threat Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
This was really a PPV made by the storylines surrounding each match. Shane McMahon's Ministry were attempting to dominate every match and punish those opposed against them. They achieved all of this until the main event when Austin managed to defy the odds and beat Undertaker and HHH in a three way match. It was a very good main event for a UK PPV and a cracking storyline. This was also the first WWF PPV with a new Triple H as we know him now. He dropped the trousers for short tights and had The Game as his entrance theme. A transformation which would change the WWF forever.

Moments - Negatives
Some truly poor matches such as the joke of the first match which didnt even properly begin and yet wasted a good 10mins of the PPV. Until Shane v X-pac, the first part of the card was truly abysmal.

Its difficult to give this a high score due to the fact it was quite a poor quality event. What was interesting at this time is that the great Corporate Ministry storyline was actually putting below average wrestlers such as Mideon and Viscera high up the card and this in my opinion brought the quality of this particular event down. Still worth a check out just to see the new Triple H!

SCORE = 7.0

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