Monday 20 July 2009

WWF In Your House 24: Breakdown - September 1998

WWF In Your House 24: Breakdown - September 27th 1998 - Hamilton, Ontraio, Canada

Owen Hart defeated Edge (6/10)
Al Snow and Scorpio defeated Too Much (5/10)
Marc Mero defeated Droz (5/10)
Bradshaw defeated Vader {Falls Count Anywhere Match} (6/10)
D-lo Brown defeated Gangrel (6/10)
The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock and Mankind {Triple Threat Cage Match} (8/10)
Val Venis defeated Dustin Runnels (7/10)
D-Generation X defeated Jeff Jarrett and Southern Justice (6/10)
The Undertaker and Kane defeated Steve Austin (9/10)

Moments - Positives
The main event was the highlight of this PPV by far. The build up was fantastic, the twist by McMahon that Kane and Undertaker are not allowed to pin each other meant that surely Austin would lose the World title as per McMahons plan. But a classic ending with a double pin meant the title was made vacant following this PPV and the feud continued to heat up! It was a great match too. The No1 Contendership Match was a classic triple threat match with The Rock becoming the no1 contender which was excellent to see.

Moments - Negatives
Apart from the two matches described above the rest of the card was pretty poor. The opening few matches were difficult to watch as they had very little hype and very average wrestling (the opener was probably most solid!). The PPV had to use storylines related to the main event to keep you entertained which made the show have more of a TV show feel than a PPV event.

The shows main event matches helped as seemed the pattern in the 1998 year. The PPV main event was vital for the McMahon/Austin feud and the continuing World Heavyweight title picture but overall it did not do a great job to keep you entertained.

SCORE = 7.0

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