Wednesday 5 August 2009

WWF St Valentine's Day Massacre - February 1999

WWF St Valentines Day Massacre 1999 - February 14th 1999 - Memphis. Tennessee

Goldust defeated Bluedust (6/10)
Bob Holly defeated Al Snow {Hardcore Match WWF Hardcore Title} (9/10)
Big Bossman defeated Mideon (5/10)
Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett defeated Mark Henry and D-lo Brown {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Val Venis defeated Ken Shamrock {WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
Kane and Chyna defeated Triple H and X-pac (7/10)
Mankind drew with The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title Last Man Standing Match} (9/10)
Steve Austin defeated Vince McMahon {Cage Match for Title Shot at Wrestlemania} (9/10)

Moments - Positives
A great PPV event. Three key matches that made the whole PPV event were the WWF World Title match which wasnt quite as good as the I Quit match but it was still terrific. Hardocre and crazy. Austin/McMahon was an epic encounter and one of a kind, everyone in the world was routing for Austin and also saw a classic debut from the Big Show. It also had a classic Hardcore title match as Al Snow battled Holly and ended up heading to the Mississipi river. The rest of the card was pretty good too.

Moments - Negatives
The key negatives in my opinion was a pretty poor match between Big Bossman and Mideon which carried on the Ministry / Corporation feud.

Coming off a classic Rumble, 1999 continued to grow in stature and this PPV proved that this was gonna be a big year. In fact this was truly the highlight of wrestling for me and everyone I knew watched the 1999 year. This was Austins/McMahons finest hour, it was truly compelling. Another must see.

SCORE = 9.0

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