Friday 7 August 2009

WWF Wrestlemania 15 - March 1999

WWF Wrestlemania XV - March 28th 1999 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Hardcore Holly defeated Billy Gunn and Al Snow {WWF Hardcore Title Triple Threat Match} (7/10)
Owen Hart / Jeff Jarrett defeated Test / D-lo Brown {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Butterbean defeated Bart Gunn {Brawl for All} (5/10)
Mankind defeated Big Show via DQ {Referee in Main Event Spot} (7/10)
Road Dogg defeated Ken Shamrock, Goldust and Val Venis {WWF Intercontinental Title Four Way Match} (7/10)
Kane defeated Triple H (7/10)
Sable defeated Tori {WWF Womens Title Match} (6/10)
Shane McMahon defeated X-pac {WWF European Title} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Big Bossman {Hell In A Cell Match} (8/10)
Steve Austin defeated The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
A very good and consistent Wrestlemania throughout. None of the matches stood out as groundbreaking or amazing but they were all very solid and the main event was very well built up. The only reason I did not give the main event a higher score is because Austin and Rock had far better matches during their careers together. The Undertaker/Bossman match was solid and although probably one of the least remembered Hell In A Cell matches it was very entertaining and ended with Ministry coming down the rafters and literally hanging the Big Bossman. The Attitude era was truly over the top. It was also good to see Road Dogg with the IC title belt. Another highlight was Chyna returning to HHH to reform DX, only for half an hour as HHH and Chyna then help Shane win the European title and join the Corporation. A great storyline. Check out a great promo between HBK and Vince McMahon.

Moments - Negatives
Everytime WWF did a boxing match during a wrestling show i cringe. This was no different. The Butterbean/Bart Gunn match was quite well built up but was boring, unnecessary and irrelevant. Apart from that very few negatives.

Was it one of the best Wrestlemanias? No. However it was one of the better Wrestlemanias and certainly had quality throughout the PPV rather than say be focused on just the main event or the top two matches. The storylines were unfolding in front of our eyes between The Corporation and the Ministry and it was a really exciting time to watch the WWF. Certainly a great PPV.

SCORE = 9.0

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