Tuesday 15 September 2009

WWF Rebellion 1999 (UK) - October 1999

WWF Rebellion 1999 (UK) - October 2hd 1999 - Birmingham, England

Jeff Jarrett defeated D-lo Brown {WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
The Godfather defeated Gangrel (6/10)
Val Venis defeated Mark Henry (6/10)
Ivory defeated Luna, Jacqueline and Tori {WWF Womens Title Four Way Match} (6/10)
Chris Jericho defeated Road Dogg (6/10)
Chyna defeated Jeff Jarrett (7/10)
Kane defeated Big Show {No DQ} (7/10)
Edge & Christian defeated Acolytes & The Hollys (6/10)
Triple H defeated The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title Cage Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
I usually criticise the UK based PPV events but I have to say this show was very good. The Rock vs Triple H in a Cage match was brilliant and as these two have met before they worked well together. This was the first Rock/HHH PPV encounter under the main event heading and both men clearly came along way to get to such a high place. The Cage match is a must! The rest of the card was great and I really enjoyed the development of the Jarrett/Chyna storyline which included an ad-hoc challenge met by Chyna. Spontanious matches tend to be pretty good in the WWF.

Moments - Negatives
My biggest issue at this time was the WWFs use of Chris Jericho. They built him up to breaking point and then placed him against mediocre opponents and in mediocre feuds. This was another example of this and I just could not understand it at the time...

This was one of the better WWF UK events and really should be watched for the quality of the main event and the quality of the storylines around the matches. Some classic moments from the British Bulldog too showing us all why he truly was one of the top heels in the business at one point.

SCORE = 7.5

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