Sunday 13 September 2009

WWF Unforgiven 1999 - September 1999

WWF Unforgiven 1999 - September 26th 1999 - Charlotte, North Carolina

Val Venis defeated Steve Blackman (6/10)
D-lo Brown defeated Mark Hery {WWF European Title Match} (7/10)
Jeff Jarrett defeated Chyna {WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
The Acolytes defeated The Dudley Boyz (6/10)
Ivory defeated Luna {WWF Womens Title Hardcore Match} (7/10)
New Age Outlaws defeated Edge & Christian {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Al Snow defeated Big Bossman {Kennell From Hell Hardcore Title Match} (5/10)
X-pac defeated Chris Jericho (6/10)
Triple H defeated The Rock, Mankind, British Bulldog, Kane, Big Show {World Heavyweigth Title 6-Pack Challenge Match} (6/10)

Moments - Positives
Some of the matches were very solid and the feuds running up to these were terrific. Surprisingly it was the lower card feuds and matches which were the good ones. D-lo/Henrys feud re weight loss was great and the match was solid, Jarrett's feud with Chyna even though a bit silly and certainly not allowed Jarrett to take the step up, it was still very good. It was also good to see Dudley Boyz debut on PPV as well as Chris Jericho. The feud around the World title was also very good and Triple H was coming through as a top superstar.

Moments - Negatives
The Kennell from Hell match was awful, a great feud and idea that was executed very poorly. The main event could have been something so much more, the build up was excellent and it really deserved to be a showstealer but it just didnt work. Jericho's PPV debut was poor, it was meant to be against Shamrock but due to injury he fought X-pac and the match felt rushed. I also did not understand the reasoning behind bringing back the New Age Outlaws after building up Billy Gunn so much....

In theory and on paper this was a great PPV with great feuds but in reality it just did not click. It was a PPV that I would call disappointing and very unfullfilling which was strange as the WWF were producing some great shows around this time. It was also good to see the likes of Edge, Christian and Dudley Boyz coming through on the PPV card. Overall though, it certainly is a missable show of the Attitude era.

SCORE = 6.0

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