Tuesday 1 September 2009

WWF Summerslam 1999 - August 1999

WWF Summerslam 1999 - August 22nd 1999 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jeff Jarrett defeated D-lo Brown {WWF Intercontinental and WWF European Title} (7/10)
The Acolytes defeated Edge/Christian, Hardy Boyz, Holly Cousins, Mideon/Viscera and Droz/Prince Albert {Tag Team Turmoil Match} (7/10)
Al Snow defeated Big Bossman {WWF Hardcore Title} (8/10)
Ivory defeated Tori {WWF Womens Title} (5/10)
Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman {Lions Den Match} (8/10)
Test defeated Shane McMahon {Greenwich Streetfight} (8/10)
The Undertaker/Big Show defeated Kane/X-Pac {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
The Rock defeated Mr Ass {Kiss My Ass Match} (7/10)
Mankind defeated Steve Austin and Triple H {World Heavyweigth Title Triple Threat Match}

Moments - Positives
Some great matches at this event. The World title match with Jesse Ventura as the special enforcer was a great feud with Mankind being thrown in at the last minute to actually win the World title. Anytime Foley won the title was a highlight to me. Test/Shane's streetfight for the right to merry Stephanie was brilliant and the addition of the Possee was a classic. Shamrock's encounter with Blackman in the Lions Den match was a classic and a million times better than their average match at Fully Loaded. This also featured one of my favouritest Hardcore title matches which ended in a bar, a great promo by Chris Jericho and Jeff Jarrett becoming a double champion (personal highlight for me!)

Moments - Negatives
I thought the tag match was dissapointing and did not thing that Undertaker/Big Show combo worked as a tag team. Also I thought Mr Ass/Rock was a very average match up and would probably explain why Mr Ass was reunited with the Road Dogg by the time Unforgiven came around. I also did not like the Hardy Boyz being part of the New Brood with Gangrel, thankfully the gimmick ended as soon as it began!

This was a very good Summerslam with some average matches but ultimately it did deliver. The WWF were on a roll with these PPVs and even though Austin was being phased out of the main event scene due to his injury and Triple H was truly becoming a top player, the quality in the main event scene remained high. I was very glad to see Foley as a Champion and I remember at the time being very shocked by the result. A classic Summerslam.

SCORE = 8.5

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