Wednesday 13 January 2010

WWF Vengeance 2001 - December 2001

WWF Vengeance 2001 - December 9th 2001 - San Diego, California

Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert defeated Test and Christian (5/10)
Edge defeated William Regal {WWF Intercontinental Title Match} (7/10)
Jeff Hardy defeated Matt Hardy (6/10)
Dudley Boyz defeated Big Show & Kane {WWF Tag Team Titles Match} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Rob Van Dam {WWF Hardcore Title Match} (8/10)
Trish Stratus defeated Jaqueline {WWF Women's Title Match} (5/10)
Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
Chris Jericho defeated The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
Chris Jericho defeated Steve Austin {WWF Undisputed Title Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
The whole concept of this PPV was fantastic, for the first time in history we would have an Undisputed World Champion and what made the show for me is the fact that Chris Jericho got the win because he deserved to be that Champion having achieved much in WCW and WWF. The underlying McMahon/Flair storyline was also brilliant to watch and I loved Undertaker/Rob Van Dam. It proved that Undertaker was a fantastic heel and a great wrestler!

Moments - Negatives
The opener was awful and I could not understand why WWF chose to put these wrestlers randomly together. I was also very disappointed with the Jeff vs Matt match - it showed that both were not ready to be single wrestlers as together they were amazing at this time in the WWF but in singles competiton, it was just a poor showing.

What a way to finish off the biggest year in WWF history. From the purchase of WCW, the bankruptcy of ECW, Austin's heel turn etc etc this I think was one of the best years in WWF. And they topped it off by crowining an Undisputed Champion and delivering a very good PPV event!

SCORE = 7.5

Tuesday 12 January 2010

WWF Survivor Series 2001 - November 2001

WWF Survivor Series 2001 - November 8th 2001 - Greensboro, North Carolina

Christian defeated Al Snow {WWF European Title Match} (7/10)
William Regal defeated Tajiri (7/10)
Edge defeated Test {Unification Match - WCW US Title & WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
Dudley Boyz defeated Hardy Boyz {WCW & WWF Tag Team Titles Unification Cage Match} (7/10)
Test won the Immunity Battle Royal (7/10)
Trish Stratus defeated Mighty Molly, Ivory, Jaqueline, Lita and Jazz {WWF Women's Title Match} (6/10)
The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Chris Jericho defeated Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon {WWF vs Alliance Survivor Series Style Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
Another solid PPV from the 2001 calendar which actually ended up being quite a momentous occasion as the Alliance/WWF storyline officially came to an end after over 6 months in running. The main event was one for the ages and was very well built up. I actually found it hugely enjoyable and the fantastic Raw which followed the PPV, made the event even more important. I also thoroughly enjoyed the tag team title match.

Moments - Negatives
When watching this PPV one cant help but think that the WWF could have done something so much more with the WCW / ECW brand then just this whole Alliance storyline. I think McMahon's ego took over at this stage and the other brands really were not given a fair shot! I also hated the overuse of Test during this PPV - he was a solid worker but this was not the time to push someone of his calibre when so many other quality workers were in the background!

It was a good event, a cracking main event and a fantastic story but I think somehow watching this PPV I am saddened that this was the last time we saw or heard the WCW brand mentioned in a PPV storyline. Still I wont base my score on that factor, and overall I enjoyed the show so the score is reflective of this fact.

SCORE = 8.0

Tuesday 5 January 2010

WWF Rebellion 2001 (UK) - November 2001

WWF Rebellion 2001 (UK) - November 3rd 2001 - Manchester, England

Edge defeated Christian {WWF Intercontinental Title Steel Cage Match} (7/10)
Scotty 2 Hotty defeated The Hurricane (6/10)
Big Show defeated Diamond Dallas Page (7/10)
Dudley Boyz defeated Hardy Boyz and The APA {WWF Tag Team Titles Triangle Match} (7/10)
William Regal defeated Tajiri (7/10)
Chris Jericho defeated Kurt Angle {WCW World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
Torrie Willson and Lita defeated Stacey Kiebler and Molly Holly (5/10)
Steve Austin defeated The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
A solid PPV event for a UK event made by two fantastic matches which were really worth of a proper PPV rather than just a UK based one. This was Austin and Rock's first match since Austin's heel turn in Wrestlemania and they gave it a lot of time. It was a very well worked match and it lasted for a long time. Truly great. Angle / Jericho was also very good and it was a shame those two did not have a proper feud at any point for the WCW title. The Regal/Tajiri match was also entertaining mainly made by the feud itself and the opening match was very solid for the IC title.

Moments - Negatives
Some random matches such as Hotty vs Hurricane which were there to fill the time. I was also disappointed with the Women's match and thought the Hugh Morrus and Chavo skits backstage with the divas were awful. They were poorly acted and really devalued the PPV.

This was a very solid UK PPV and they have been in this period of time. It did a good job at continuing feuds between No Mercy and Survivor Series and actually we got treated to some entertaining matches - particularly a classic main event match up between two legends. Certainly better than the No Mercy show in the previous month!

SCORE = 8.0

Monday 4 January 2010

WWF No Mercy 2001 - October 2001

WWF No Mercy 2001 - October 21st 2001 - St Louis, Missouri

Hardy Boyz defeated Lance Storm and The Hurricane {WCW Tag Team Title Match} (6/10)
Test defeated Kane (7/10)
Torrie Willson defeated Stacey Kiebler {Lingerie Match} (6/10)
Edge defeated Christian {WWF Intercontinental Title Ladder Match} (8/10)
Dudley Boyz defeated Big Show and Tajiri {WWF Tag Team Titles Match} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Booker T (7/10)
Chris Jericho defeated The Rock {WCW World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam {WWF World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
A cracking main event with an excellent build up. Essentially this carries on the Austin/Angle feud but adds RVD to the mix who was fast becoming the most popular member of the Alliance and this threatened Stone Cold. The match delivered too. The Jericho/Rock feud for the WCW title was brilliant and it was great to see Jericho pick up the pinfall and the victory. The other highlight for me was a cracking Edge vs Christian Ladder match!

Moments - Negatives
With all the talent the WWF had available as part of the merger, I just did not understand the reasons behind booking Tajiri and Big Show as a tag team or Lance Storm and The Hurricane. It just didnt make sense and it felt like the WWF just threw these tag matches together to fill up the card. It devalued the event in my opinion.

It was a solid PPV event, probably not as good as Unforgiven overall. It was a shame but this felt like a blip in the otherwise great track record that the WWF had during 2001. With the feud between WWF and the Alliance, it really felt like WWF could have done a better job building up some of these matches and their associated feuds.

SCORE = 7.0

Monday 28 December 2009

WWF Unforgiven 2001 - September 2001

WWF Unforgiven 2001 - September 23rd 2001 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dudley Boyz defeated Lance Storm/Hurrican, Big Show/Spike Dudley and Hardy Boyz {WWF Tag Team Title Four Way Match} (7/10)
Perry Saturn defeated Raven (7/10)
Christian defeated Edge {WWF Intercontinental Title Match} (8/10)
Undertaker/Kane defeated KroniK {WCW Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Jericho {WWF Hardcore Title Match} (8/10)
The Rock defeated Booker T and Shane McMahon {WCW World Heavyweight Handicap Match} (8/10)
Rhyno defeated Tajiri {WCW US Title Match} (7/10)
Kurt Angle defeated Steve Austin {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
A solid pay-per-view with the main highlight being Angle's first face victory to win the WWF World Heavyweight Title in front of his home crowd - it was a great moment. It was also great to see the debut of KroniK even though the match was poor and they were released shortly after. Van Dam vs Jericho was fantastic and worked very well and I also enjoyed the feud between Rock/Booker T as well as Christian and Edge.

Moments - Negatives
The opening match did not work very well and Saturn/Raven was pretty poor. It was also very random for the US title match and particularly Tajiri to be so high up the card.

I would probably have to say this was one of the worst events of 2001 however if you compare it to a lot of other PPV cards over the years, this was a very good show. The quality of 2001 was so high in PPV terms that this card was very solid with a couple of good matches but overall as a package it was not an amazing event. Still worth a good watch though!

SCORE = 7.5

Sunday 20 December 2009

WWF Summerslam 2001 - August 2001

WWF Summerslam 2001 - August 19th 2001 - San Jose, California

Edge defeated Lance Storm {WWF Intercontinental Title Match} (7/10)
Dudley Boyz and Test defeated the APA and Spike Dudley (7/10)
X-Pac defeated Tajiri {WWF Lightheavyweight and WCW Cruiserweight Title Match} (7/10)
Chris Jericho defeated Rhyno (8/10)
Rob Van Dam defeated Jeff Hardy {WWF Hardcore Title Ladder Match} (8/10)
The Undertaker and Kane defeated DDP and Chris Kanyon {WWF & WCW Tag Team Titles Steel Cage Match} (8/10)
Kurt Angle defeated Steve Austin via DQ {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
The Rock defeated Booker T {WCW World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
Some solid enough matches to start off the card and then some truly terrific bouts. The Jericho / Stephanie feud involving Rhyno was fantastic and the match was great too, RVD vs Hardy in a ladder match was excellent and just showcased the talent of both, the tag-team steel cage match delivered big time and I think made DDP look like a big player, Angle/Austin had an excellent build up and did well to get us in the mood for a re-match and on The Rock's return to PPV he goes on to capture WCW gold - pretty momentous.

Moments - Negatives
The WWF continued to try and make the Alliance all heel and clearly didnt work when it came down to RVD/Hardy as both men got cheered for their efforts. Even Austin as part of the Alliance received some cheers so it was clear that the fans were deciding this anyway. Still, WWF kept trying and this was a little bit annoying.

Another monumental show, the first WWF show to have a WCW World title defence and who else but The Rock became the first ever WCW (WWF) Champion. The whole show delivered and even though the opening matches were a little slow, some of the backstage skits involving Christian and also Stasiak were hilarious and really added to the show. Great Summerslam!

SCORE = 9.0

WWF Invasion - July 2001

WWF Invasion - July 22nd 2001 - Cleveland, Ohio

Edge & Christian defeated Mike Awesome and Lance Storm (7/10)
Earl Hebner defeated Nick Patrick (5/10)
The APA defeated Sean O'Hare and Chuck Palumbo (7/10)
Billy Kidman defeated X-Pac (7/10)
Raven defeated William Regal (7/10)
Chris Kanyon, Sean Stasiak and Hugh Morrus defeated Big Show, Billy Gunn and Albert (7/10)
Rob Van Dam defeated Jeff Hardy (8/10)
Trish Stratus and Lita defeated Torrie Willson and Stacy Kibeler {Bra and Panties Match} (6/10)
Booker T, DDP, Dudley Boyz and Rhyno defeated Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Kane and Undertaker (8/10)

Moments - Positives
This was simply one of a kind of a PPV. All of the feuds which were being built up recently were put on hold for a WWE vs WCW/ECW showcase and the show delivered. Seeing people like DDP, Booker T, Lance Storm, Billy Kidman in WWF ring was an amazing feat at the time. The main event and the RVD/Hardy match stood out which said a lot about RVD's quality at the time and also Hardy's future. The main event was a classic, 10 top superstars across the three major organisations in one match. Excellent. And Austin turning against McMahon and continuing his heel streak just worked perfectly.

Moments - Negatives
I didnt like the fact that the WWF were trying to force us to cheer for the WWF superstars and boo any of the WCW / ECW stars. It just didnt work - everyone wanted Kidman to beat X-pac no matter what the WWF and the announcers did. It would have been better if the whole thing was just left to the natural reaction of the crowd...

This was a monumental show, no one thought 6 months prior that this show would be happening in July 2001. It delivered and it totally changed the future face of the WWF and wrestling in general. I enjoyed the show because it was not so much about the storylines, this was just matches put together pitting WWF vs ECW/WCW stars. It was Raw, it was old school and it was bloody brilliant! A must see.

SCORE = 9.5