Thursday 26 March 2009

WWF Summerslam 1992 - August 1992

WWF Summerslam 1992 - August 31st 1992 - London (Wembley Stadium), England

The Legion of Doom defeated Money Inc (7/10)
Nailz defeated Virgil (4/10)
Shawn Michaels drew with Rick Martel {No Face Hitting Allowed} (6/10)

The Natural Disasters defeated Beverly Brothers {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Crush defeated Repo Man (5/10)
Ultimate Warrior defeated Randy Savage {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (9/10)
The Undertaker defeated Kamala
British Bulldog defeated Bret Hart {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
The biggest thing to remember about this classic show is the setting. It was live from Wembley Stadium in England and the atmosphere really showed. British Bulldog beating Bret Hart for the IC title in the main event will always live in memory as one of the greatest moments for any British wrestling fan. Ultimate Warrior/Savage match was also a classic with Flair and Perfect on the outside and the crowd not knowing who would turn heel and sell out. It turned out none of them were working with Flair and the match ended in a DQ.

Moments - Negatives
Some truly poor matches sandwiched between decent fights. The Crush/Repo Man fight was poor as was the Tag Team title fight. Nailz vs Virgil had to be one of the worst matches to date too.

Overall Summary
A very good WWF Title match and a great IC contest with a classic ending truly made this Summerslam something special. I would recommend watching this just for the ending of the main event and the celebration of the crowd as Bulldog finally wins a singles title!

SCORE = 7.5

1 comment:

  1. One of the first Summerslam's I remember watching 'live' on Sky Sports. I wish I was there. The undercard matches were very poor. Nailz and Virgil was possibly one of the worst matches I can remember and was totally irrelevant to the whole event. I enjoyed Rick vs Shawn for the reason of Sensational Sheree and I'll never forget the goosebumps that I got when the crowd went mental for Davey Boy Smith (legend!)!
