Monday 2 March 2009

WWF This Tuesday in Texas - December 1991

WWF This Tuesday in Texas 1991 - December 3rd 1991 - San Antonio, Texas

Bret Hart defeated Skinner {WWF Intercontinental Title} (6/10)
Randy Savage defeated Jake Roberts (8/10)
British Bulldog defeated The Warlord (5/10)

Ted DiBiase and Repo Man defeated Virgil and Tito Santana (5/10)
Hulk Hogan defeated The Undertaker {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (7/10)

Moments - Positives
A very watered down version of a PPV event. The clear highlight of the whole show was Hogan regaining the World Title off the Undertaker days after Taker's victory over Hogan on Survivor Series. The other great highlight is Savage's first official match since his loss to Warrior at Wrestlemania VII and Jake Roberts' hitting Elizabeth.

Moments - Negatives
A very short PPV event which made it appear pretty wateredown and basic. The main event and the Savage match was great but the rest of the card was totally forgettable.

Overall Summary
Not a bad show considering the four or five matches which made up this very short PPV card. The title change obviously made this more memorable than expected and Hogan/Flair feud continue to develop during these months. Overall, I think all should give this one a go if not just to see Taker's first WWF title defence.

SCORE = 7.0

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