WWF Summerslam - August 18th 1996 - Cleveland, Ohio
Owen Hart defeated Savio Vega (6/10)
Smokin Gunns defeated Bodydonnas, New Rockers and Godwins {WWF Tag Team Title Match} (6/10)
Sycho Sid defeated British Bulldog (7/10)
Goldust defeated Marc Mero (6/10)
Sycho Sid defeated British Bulldog (7/10)
Goldust defeated Marc Mero (6/10)
Jerry Lawler defeated Jake Roberts (7/10)
Mankind defeated The Undertaker {Boiler Room Brawl} (9/10)
Shawn Michaels defeated Vader {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Jerry Lawlers pre match promo was very entertaining and stood out. His match with Roberts was also very solid. Mankinds/Taker's boiler room brawl match was excellent and was capped by Paul Bearer turning on the Undertaker to be with Mankind (Uncle Paul has returned home). The main event was also brilliant and the ending (which included HBK getting DQd and restarting the match about 3 times)..
Moments - Negatives
A few average matches and the biggest grudge I have here is why Stone Cold Steve Austin was not involved in any shape or form. Surely the KOTR winner should have at least had a match on the card....truly shocking decision!
Overall Summary
Great Summerslam, a very solid card overall and the highlight was certainly the continuation of the Mankind/Taker feud which would go on for a few months yet! Not the greatest Summerslam but one of the best cards of the year for sure!
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