WWF In Your House 21: Unforgiven - April 26th 1998 - Greensboro, North Carolina
Farooq, Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman defeated Nation of Domination (6/10)
Triple H defeated Owen Hart {WWF European Title} (7/10)
Midnight Express defeated Rock'n'Roll Express {NWA Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Luna Vachon defeated Sable {Evening Gown Match} (5/10)
New Age Outlaws defeated LOD 2000 {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Kane {Inferno Match} (8/10)
Dude Love defeated Steve Austin via DQ {WWf World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
The card itself was very solid. HHH v Owen Hart was a very good match and showed how far Triple H have come over the years. Taker/Kane in an inferno match was superb, a true Attitude match in motion. The build up and feud was terrific and the match itself had some great spots in it. It was a bit over the top but then thats what made it special. Surprisingly the Dude Love/Austin match was fantastic and McMahon's involvement really got the Austin/McMahon era kick started!
Moments - Negatives
The Evening Gown match was pretty poor and I disagree with having two unknown teams go at it in an NWA Tag Team Titles match. Apart from that very few negatives!
We were fully in the swing of the Attitiude era and this was really the proper start of the McMahon / Austin feud that would ultimately continue for years! Also it was excellent to see Mick Foley in the main event even though Dude Love was probably his weakest character, he still made the feud very good.
SCORE = 8.0
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