WWF Wrestlemania 14 - March 29th 1998 - Boston, Massachusetts
LOD 2000 won a 15-team Battle Royal (6/10)
Taka Michinoku defeated Aguila {WWF Light Heavyweight Title} (5/10)
Triple H defeated Owen Hart {WWF European Title} (7/10)
Marc Mero and Sable defeated Artist Formerly Known as Goldust and Luna (6/10)
The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock via DQ {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)
Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie defeated New Age Outlaws {WWF Tag Team Titles Dumpster Match} (8/10)
The Undertaker defeated Kane (8/10)
Steve Austin defeated Shawn Michaels {WWF World Heavyweight Title - Mike Tyson as Special Enforcer} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
The card itself was terrific and though the first hour or so is missable from the IC title match onwards the card delivers big time. The first Kane/Undertaker contest was excellent, the Dumpster Tag Team titles match was truly a match in the Attitude era, the IC title match was probably Rock's best match in the WWF to date and the main event was the start of Steve Austin's dominance in the WWF. Mike Tyson was just the icing on the cake.
Moments - Negatives
Once again the Lightheavyweight Title match was very average but it was not as bad as it could have been. The real negative of this PPV is watching Shawn Michaels attempt to wrestle with his back pain which not only looks painful but shows HBK as a shadow of his former self. It was a sad day in the WWF history as HBK would bow out for a good 3-4 years after this match. His agony matched by that of his fans!
A true first Wrestlemania of the Attitude era. This was a major breakthrough in the WWF, Austin's rise to the main event meant trouble for WCW and McMahon must have felt that the pendulum has swung in the WWF favour! This is one of the better Wrestlemanias since the dominance of Hogan - or at least since Wrestlemania 12 which was also excellent.
SCORE = 9.5
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