WWF Insurrextion 2000 -May 6th 2000 - London, England
Too Cool defeated Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn (6/10)
Kane defeated Bull Buchanan (6/10)
Road Dogg defeated Bradshaw (6/10)
The Kat defeated Terri Runnels {Arm Wrestling Match} (6/10)
Big Show & Rikishi defeated Dudley Boyz (6/10)
Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit (7/10)
British Bulldog defeated Crash Holly {WWF Hardcore Title} (7/10)
Hardy Boyz defeated Edge & Christian via DQ {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho {WWF European Title Match} (7/10)
The Rock defeated Triple H and Shane McMahon {WWF World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match} (7/10)
Moments - Positives
This was a very solid UK based event with some very good wrestling matches. Most of these were almost try outs for future feuds such as Angle/Benoit. My main highlight was the return of the British Bulldog as he wins the WWF Hardcore title in his home country. It was a great moment. The main event was solid and the feud building this up was great, I also enjoyed the continuation of Guerrero/Jericho feud and thought they delivered a good match.
Moments - Negatives
The Big Show destruction continued as he dressed up as Rikishi and called himself Showkishi. Truly shocking. A couple of poor bouts such as Road Dogg vs Bradshaw. I also thought that the timing was slightly off in this PPV and a great match like Angle/Benoit was kept short whereas the opener was pretty long.
Not a bad UK based PPV. I think they progressed over time, this was clearly an event aimed at continuing feuds and also trying out potential feuds and checking whether the matches would be of good quality. Overall, I was impressed and I feel this should be treated just like a proper PPV and given a chance.
SCORE = 7.5
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