WWF Royal Rumble 2000 - January 23rd 2000 - Madison Square Garden, New York
Tazz defeated Kurt Angle (7/10)
Hardy Boyz defeated Dudley Boyz {Tag Team Tables Match} (9/10)
Chris Jericho defeated Chyna and Hardcore Holly {Intercontinental Title Triple Threat Match} (7/10)
New Age Outlaws defeated The Acolytes {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Triple H defeated Cactus Jack {WWF World Heavyweight Title Street Fight} (9/10)
The Rock won the Royal Rumble (8/10)
Moments - Positives
It is very rare that a PPV has two 9/10 matches in my review but this one truly delivered. Firstly, all of the matches were great. The Rock's shining moment finally came and the way he won a rumble set up a great feud with the Big Show. Also Rock delivered a hilarious promo that is always being replayed on WWF TV. The feud between HHH/Cactus Jack will always be remembered and this was by far the best match they have ever had. The Street fight was up there with that of last year's Rumble between The Rock and Mankind. Finally, a great tag-team tables match between Hardyz and Dudleyz. If the two teams wanted to make a name for themselves, they did so at this event.
Moments - Negatives
New Age Outlaws v Acolytes was a little bit too short and I did not really understand why Hardcore Holly was thrown into the IC title match but apart from that, no negatives here!
The McMahon-Helmsley era as this period is known was very up and down during WWF's history but this is certainly the moment when it was flying at its highest. It was a great event, setting up some brilliant feuds and the matches were all of excellent quality. I would almost say this PPV is unmissable.
SCORE = 9.5
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