WWF Rebellion 2000 (UK) - December 2nd 2000 - Sheffield, England
Dudley Boyz defeated Edge & Christian and T%A {Elimination Tag Team Tables Match} (7/10)
Ivory defeated Lita {WWF Womens Title Match} (6/10)
Steve Blackman defeated Perry Saturn {WWF Hardcore Title Match} (6/10)
Crash Holly defeated William Regal {WWF European Title Match} (7/10)
Chyna and Billy Gunn defeated Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero (7/10)
Kane defeated Chris Jericho (7/10)
Right to Censore defeated Hardy Boyz {WWF Tag Team Titles Match} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Chris Benoit (7/10)
Kurt Angle defeated Rikishi, Steve Austin and The Rock {WWF World Heavyweight Title Four Way Match} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
This was a very solid PPV event for a UK based event with a great main event and continuing some good main stream feuds such as Kane/Jericho. The main event most certainly stood out and the celebration between The Rock and Austin at the end must have certainly made the event for those in attendance. Undertaker/Benoit was a solid match and there was a classic backstage skit where Radicalz attack Undertaker and yet he still manages to overcome the odds. There are also some funny skits from Angle as he tries to get his posse to help him during the main event.
Moments - Negatives
I was disappointed that the WWF decided William Regal should continue to be heel even in his own country, I felt the least they could have given him is a nice victory in front of a cheering crowd. I also felt Blackman/Saturn brought nothing to the table or to the event so was quite disappointed with the match.
A good event, I felt it was better than the previous UK event and it also felt more like a main stream PPV. One notable absence was Triple H which was a real shame given his drawing power at the time. Still it also did a nice job at building up Armageddon a week later.
SCORE = 7.5
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