WWF The Wrestling Classic (Tournament) - November 7th 1985 - Rosemont, Illinois
Adrian Adonis defeated Corporal Kirchner (3/10)
Dynamite Kind defeated Nikola Volkoff (n/a)
Randy Savage defeated Ivan Putski (6/10)
Ricky Steamboat defeated Davey Boy Smith (7/10)
The Junkyard Dog defeated Iron Sheik (4/10)
Moondog Spot defeated Terry Funk (3/10)
Tito Santana defeated Magnificent Moroco (4/10)
Paul Orndorff defeated Bob Orton (7/10)
Dynamite Kid defeated Adrian Adonis (6/10)
Randy Savage defeated Ricky Steamboat (4/10)
Junkyard Dog defeated Moondog Spot (2/10)
Paul Orndoff and Tito Santana battled to a draw (5/10)
Hulk Hogan defeated Rowdy Roddy Piper {WWF World Title} (7/10)
Randy Savage defeated Dynamite Kid (8/10)
Junkyard Dog defeated Randy Savage {Wrestling Classic Final} (6/10)
Moments - Positives
Dynamite Kid defeating Nikolai Volkoff in seconds is probably one of the highlights of this poorly produced show. The key to enjoying this pay-per-view is to realise that a lot of the individuals involved in the Wrestling Classic tournament went on to receive major pushes in the next few years (eg. Randy Savage, Junkyard Dog). Steamboat vs Davey Boy Smith also stood out and Savage cheating his way to the final truly stole the show. Junkyard Dog counting his own pin was also quite original and amusing. The World Title match was probably one of the best matches of the show as the Roddy Piper / Hogan feud continued to dominate the WWF world in 1985.
Moments - Negatives
Although I mentioned that I would not review the show based on production values, this was a very poorly produced show. A few of the matches in the tournament lasted seconds, given the contracted television time, but at times this was rushed and not enjoyable. Junkyard Dog winning the tournament, in my opinion, was the wrong option at the time as Savage was the rising star who should have been pushed during this event.
Overall Summary
This was WWF's first non-Wrestlemania pay-per-view and it showed. It lacked the overall event hype that came with Wrestlemania 1 and the tournament itself was average. A few good matches on the card and the Hogan / Piper match was a top draw which boosted the overall show. This one can easily be missed by most WWF fans and I am not surprised why that is the case.
SCORE = 4.5
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