WWF In Your House 11: Buried Alive - October 20th 1996 - Indianapolis, Indiana
Steve Austin defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley (6/10)
Owen Hart & British Bulldog defeated Smokin Gunns {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Marc Mero defeated Goldust (6/10)
Marc Mero defeated Goldust (6/10)
Sycho Sid defeated Vader (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Mankind {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (10/10)
Moments - Positives
The Buried Alive match was one of the best WWF matches of all time. It is up there with the Wrestlemania X ladder match and the Iron Man Match. The match was excellent. There was also a very solid Powerbomb vs Powerbomb match between Vader and Sid which was well built up and included commentary from HBK. Perfect build up for Survivor Series. The ending of the Buried Alive match was also fantastic with Undertaker's hand poking through the ground. Excellent.
Moments - Negatives
A few average matches but the main event made up for it. No majorly negative points from the show!
Overall Summary
A solid In Your House overall but truly made by an excellent main event which was easily worth of a Wrestlemania spot. This was WWF at its innovative best trying something not done before and making it work even though it was very over the top and unrealistic. This was the highlight of the Mankind / Undertaker feud and I didnt even mind that HBK as the World Champ was not on the card!
SCORE = 8.0
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