WWF Survivor Series 1996 - November 17th 1996 - Madison Square Garden, New York
Doug Furnas, Henry Godwinn, Phil Lafon and Pheatus Godwinn defeated Owen Hart, British Bulldog and New Rockers (6/10)
The Undertaker defeated Mankind {Paul Bearer suspended above the ring in a cage} (6/10)
Marc Mero, Jake Robers, Rocky Maiavia and The Stalker defeated Crush, Jerry Lawler, Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley (6/10)
Marc Mero, Jake Robers, Rocky Maiavia and The Stalker defeated Crush, Jerry Lawler, Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley (6/10)
Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin (7/10)
Farooq, Vader, Razor Ramon II and Diesel II defeated Flash Funk, Jimmy Snuka, Savio Vega and Yokozuna (5/10)
Sycho Sid defeated Shawn Michaels {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Firstly, it was good to see Sid finally get the World title belt. I thought that whilst he was not the best wrestler, as a character he was fantastic. The whole Jose Lefario (HBKs manager) getting a heart attack was overdone but somehow it worked. Bret Hart and Austin's first match was also a highlight and truly showed Austin could play with the big boys. Infact he almost made Hart look second rate. This was also Rocky Maiavia (The Rock)'s debut in the WWF.
Moments - Negatives
Very average Survivor Series match ups. The Mankind/Undertaker match was pretty poor and was a terrible way to end an otherwise incredible 6 month feud. It made me feel like the Buried Alive match should have been it. Also the whole Diesel II and Razor Ramon II crap was awful and should have never been done. Really destroyed the match.
Overall Summary
A good card really made by two very good matches. This was the first WWF event which felt attitude like and it was clearly the beginning of a direction which the WWF wanted to take. This was also the first WWF event where I felt like fans (including myself) began losing interest in Bret Hart's character and found him to be repetitive and boring. Clearly the only option was to turn him heel. A good PPV overall.
SCORE = 8.0
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