Sunday 14 June 2009

WWF In Your House 15: A Cold Day In Hell - May 1997

WWF In Your House 15: A Cold Day In Hell - May 11th 1997 - Richmond, Virginia

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Flash Funk (6/10)
Mankind defeated Rocky Maiavia (7/10)
Nation of Domination defeated Ahmed Johnson {Gauntlet Match} (8/10)
Ken Shamrock defeated Vader {No Holds Barred Match} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Steve Austin {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)

Moments - Positives
The main event match was a classic contest between Austin and Undertaker. The two would feud many a time in the Attitude era. Both Undertaker and Austin went in as faces to this match and the Hart Foundation had ringside seats and obviously got involved. This worked well to put Austin and Taker over. Very good. The rest of the card was surprisingly good, especially the Nation of Domination/Johnson match which included some classic cheap tactics by Farrooq and co. Clearly this was a top heel stable and it showed during this event.

Moments - Negatives
Probably the opening match, mainly because I did not really rate Flash Funk as a wrestler or a character and I think the match was a bit boring and could have been kept shorter. I also didnt like the fact that Rocky Maiavia was still face when quite clearly people didnt like him (Mankind was getting cheered).

Overall Summary
A good In Your House PPV event which seems to overall satisfy in all aspects. The main event maybe should have been better built up but clearly the Hart Foundation/Austin feud was the key reason for this match. The feud continued to develop and this made entertaining viewing.

SCORE = 7.5

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