WWF In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker - April 20th 1997 - Rochester, New York
Legion of Doom defeated Owen Hart & British Bulldog by DQ {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Savio Vega defeated Rocky Maiavia by Countout {WWF Intercontinental Title} (6/10)
Jesse James defeated Rockabilly (5/10)
Jesse James defeated Rockabilly (5/10)
The Undertaker defeated Mankind {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (9/10)
Steve Austin defeated Bret Hart (8/10)
Moments - Positives
The rematch from Wrestlemania 13 of Austin v Hart was due to take place at this event. It was very well built up and the match itself was very good and very solid. It overshadowed an excellent match for the WWF Title between Undertaker and Mankind (probably the 5th PPV match between those two in the past 12 months). Both matches stood out and are worthwhile watching. The Hart Foundation was also in full swing by this time and Bret Hart was fully heel - and I loved it. Hart as Heel was terrific and this PPV showcases his heel ability at its best.
Moments - Negatives
The opening contests were average and the Jesse James/Rockabilly match was pretty poor. The whole Rockabilly character of Billy Gunn with the Honky Tonk Man was probably the lowest point of Billy Gunns career and the gimmick was a cheap version of Double J Jeff Jarretts except that Billy Gunn really couldnt pull it off.
Overall Summary
Not a bad In You House at all, really made by two excellent main event standard matches. Thanks to those two matches, the PPV gets an overall good rating and I would recommend this event to anyone wanting to see how good Bret Hart was, how good the Hart / Austin feud was and how good Mankind/Undertaker matches really were.
SCORE = 8.0
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