WWF Wrestlemania 13 - March 23rd 1997 - Rosemont, Illinois
The Headbangers defeated The Godwinns, The New Blackjacks and Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon (6/10)
Rocky Maiavia defeated The Sultan {WWF Intercontinental Title} (6/10)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Goldust (7/10)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Goldust (7/10)
Owen Hart & British Bulldog defeated Mankind & Vader {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin {Submission Match} (9/10)
Legion of Doom and Ahmed Johnson defeated The Nation of Domination {Chicago Street Fight} (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Sycho Sid {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
There is one big standout for this whole PPV event which makes the show worth a watch no matter what and that is the submission match between Hart and Austin. This match was verging on 10/10 but I think if anything the build up was not quite good enough to merit a ten. It was Austin's hour and this was the match which effectively showed the world he is a main event player. Undertaker finally winning the WWF World Title which he has not held in years was also a big highlight.
Moments - Negatives
The opening contest, the tag team title match and the IC title match were all pretty average and given that this was the biggest PPV of the year, the card should have been stronger. There was also a distinctive lack of lower midcarders which was shown by the opening few matches of this event.
Overall Summary
This is certainly not one of the best Wrestlemanias. If anything I would probably consider it one of the weaker Wrestlemanias of all time. The event really had a couple of stand out matches and even the main event didnt quite live up to the main events of the past. However, the event is a must see if not just because IT IS a Wrestlemania then just to see the incredible bout between Austin and Bret Hart!
SCORE = 7.5
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