WWF In Your House 19: D-Generation X - December 7th 1997 - Springfield, Massachusetts
Taka Michinoku defeated Brian Christopher {WWF Lightheavyweight Title} (6/10)
Los Boricuas defeated Decyples of Apocalypse (5/10)
Butterbean defeated Marc Mero {Tough Man Match} (6/10)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Sgt Slaughter {Boot Camp Match} (7/10)
Jeff Jarrett defeated The Undertaker (7/10)
Steve Austin defeated Rocky Maiavia {WWF Intercontinental Title} (8/10)
Ken Shamrock defeated Shawn Michaels via DQ {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
The second half of the PPV was very good. The Jarrett/Taker match was very solid and the storyline unfloding between Undertaker and Kane just had to be watched! HHH's match against Sgt Slaughter was actually very entertaining and very DX. The Austin/Rock IC title match could have been a World title main event any day of the week - these two had an excellent chemistry and its no wonder they were the future legends of the WWF. Shamrock/Michaels also turned out to be very good.
Moments - Negatives
The first half of the PPV was poor. The matches did not do a good job at making the fans interested in the PPV and the matches were unhyped and did not surpass any form of expectations. The Light Heavyweight division was awful and should have been something so much more exciting and so much more interesting.
Overall Summary
It was a PPV event of two halves and the second half did enough for the PPV to be good. It was not amazing but it was actually pretty good for an In Your House event. I have to say that the absence of Bret Hart was probably most evident in the WWF during the show. There was clearly a superstar missing.
SCORE = 7.5
great share movie