WWF In Your House 23: Fully Loaded - July 26th 1998 - Fresno, California
Val Venis defeated Jeff Jarrett (6/10)
D-lo Brown defeated X-Pac (6/10)
Faarooq and Scorpio defeated Terry Funk and Just Bradshaw (5/10)
Mark Henry defeated Vader (6/10)
Decyples of Apocalypse defeated LOD 2000 (6/10)
Owen Hart defeated Ken Shamrock {Dungeon Match} (7/10)
The Rock drew with Triple H {WWF Intercontinental Title 2 out of 3 Falls Match} (8/10)
Jacqueline defeated Sable {Bikini Contest} (9/10)
The Undertaker and Steve Austin defeated Kane and Mankind {WWF Tag Team Titles} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Im not usually a fan of tag team matches as a main event but the sheer star power and feud history of these four individuals made the match worked. The ending was also terrific as Undertaker takes away both title belts and walks out on Steve Austin setting up the Summerslam main event. The Bikini contest is the first of its kind and you have to see what Sable is wearing to believe it. Attitude era rocks! Rock / HHH battle to a classic draw which sets up the Ladder match at Summerslam. Very good match! Also the Dungeon match between Hart/Shamrock is also a bit of a classic coming "Live" from Stu Hart's dungeon!
Moments - Negatives
As with many of the shows in this era, the first few matches were forgettable. It seemed that DOA and LOD have been having an on/off feud for months and the matches were not very entertaining. The other matches such as Hart/Jarrett and Vader/Henry appeared just slammed together and it really takes away from an otherwise solid In Your House.
It may have been one of the weaker In Your Houses of the year but it was still a decent PPV which I think goes a long way of showing how good 1998 was as an events year. The four way feud between Kane, Mankind, Undertaker and Austin was really going on all year and this was the PPV were everything started turning around (Undertaker tweening between Heel and Face, Mankind almost becoming a face etc). A good watch.
SCORE = 7.0
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