WWF Survivor Series 1998 - November 15th 1998 - St Louis, Missouri
Mankind defeated Duane Gill (5/10)
Al Snow defeated Jeff Jarrett (6/10)
Steve Austin defeated Big Bossman (6/10)
X-pac drew with Steven Regal (5/10)
Ken Shamrock defeated Goldust (6/10)
The Rock defeated Big Bossman (7/10)
The Undertaker defeated Kane (7/10)
Mankind defeated Al Snow (6/10)
The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock (7/10)
Sable defeated Jaqueline {WWF Womens Title} (6/10)
Mankind defeated Steve Austin (7/10)
New Age Outlaws defeated The Headbangers and Mark Henry/D-lo Brown {WWF Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match} (6/10)
The Rock defeated Mankind {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
This is a great event. The whole event bar two matches focuses on the World Heavyweight title tournament and the storyline accompanying this is excellent. McMahon helps Mankind all the way to the final ensuring that Austin gets eliminate in the process and trying to eliminate The Rock throughout but "failing". As Rock locks Mankind in a sharpshooter, McMahon asks for the bell as if to re-ignite the screw job. The Rock joins the Corporation and it turns out the failings were actually planned. Excellent. The matches themselves are solid and not amazing but the story this PPV tells makes it one of the most enjoyable I have seen.
Moments - Negatives
No negatives although a couple of the matches are very average. Steven Regals gimmick and character is truly awful and I cant see how it was ever going to break through in the WWF.
Take 3 hours out of your life to watch this show because its a classic. The matches arent amazing but the storylines are excellent. This was also The Rock's first WWF World title victory and it was clear that he was one of the greats already. His sheer charisma carried the company with ease and between The Rock and Austin, WWF had two huge stars that the fans adored!
SCORE = 9.0
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