WWF Capital Carnage (UK) - December 6th 1998 - London, England
Gangrel defeated Al Snow (5/10)
The Headbangers defeated Legion of Doom (6/10)
Val Venis defeated Goldust (6/10)
Tiger Ali Singh defeated Edge (5/10)
Sable and Christian defeated Jaqueline and Marc Mero (6/10)
Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman {WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
Triple H defeated Jeff Jarrett (7/10)
The New Age Outlaws defeated D-lo Brown and Mark Henry {WWF Tag Team Titles} (6/10)
The Rock defeated X-pac {WWF World Hevayweight Title} (7/10)
Steve Austin defeated Kane, Mankind and Undertaker {Fatal Four Way Match} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
This was one of the better UK based PPVs ever. The card was solid though not amazing and it was on the back of some great feuds including a classic feud between Austin and Undertaker. The PPV was made ever more special by a great promo from Vince McMahon and the inclusion of Vinnie Jones as the special enforcer. The crowd was hot and it really reflected in the matches. The Rock's first WWF World Title defence also happened here against X-pac.
Moments - Negatives
Some of the matches were pretty poor in truth, particularly the opening match. In addition, the overall reasoning behind X-pac getting a World title shot was pretty idotic given that there were so many great mid-carders around like Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock etc. Personally, I did not like the idea of X-pac so high up the card.
A very good event overall given that UK based PPVs are usually some of the worst in the year. This was clearly far from it and it did a really good job at building up the Rock Bottom In Your House PPV which was to follow. Give this a go and I dont think you will be disappointed.
SCORE = 7.5
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