WWF Survivor Series 1999 - November 14th 1999 - Detroit, Michigan
The Godfather, D-lo Brown and Headbangers defeated Dudley Boyz and Acolytes (6/10)
Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Stasiak (6/10)
Val Venis, Mark Henry, Steve Blackman and Gangrel defeated British Bulldog and Mean Street Posse (6/10)
Mae Young, Faboulous Moolah, Debra and Tori defeated Ivory, Luna, Jaqueline and Terri Runnels (4/10)
Kane defeated X-pac (6/10)
Big Show defeated Big Bossman, Prince Albert, Mideon and Viscera (7/10)
Chyna defeated Chris Jericho {WWF Intercontinental Title} (7/10)
Too Cool and The Hollys defeated Edge/Christian and Hardy Boyz (7/10)
The New Age Outlaws defeated Al Snow & Mankind (7/10)
Big Show defeated The Rock and Triple H {WWF World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match} (7/10)
Moments - Positives
This was a very average card. No match truly stood out. There was a solid storyline which wrote Stone Cold out for a year as he was ran over by a car. Big Show's squash match was entertaining against four men and him winning the World title was quite a nice decision and added a bit of depth to WWF's main event scene. Al Snow/Mankind story was also quite entertaining as they tried to re-create Rock'n'sock connection.
Moments - Negatives
As always, the survivor series style matches were predictable and un-entertaining, especially the Women's match. The main event, although had a nice ending was ultimately disappointing as it was meant to have been with Austin rather than Big Show. I cant help but think of this as one of the most disappointing events i watched back in the Attitude era.
The card was forgettable and the event is only worth watching for two things; the Austin storyline which sets up No Mercy 2000 and Big Show winning the title. The remainder is forgettable and quite dull. Quite frankly, this is the worst PPV of 1999.
SCORE = 6.0
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