WWF Fully Loaded 2000 -July 23rd 2000 - Dallas, Texas
The Hardy Boyz and Lita defeated T&A and Trish Stratus (7/10)
Tazz defeated Al Snow (6/10)
Perry Saturn defeated Eddie Guerrero {WWF European Title} (7/10)
The Acolytes defeated Edge & Christian via DQ {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Val Venis defeated Rikishi {WWF Intercontinental Title Steel Cage Match} (8/10)
The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle (8/10)
Triple H defeated Chris Jericho {Last Man Standing Match} (8/10)
The Rock defeated Chris Benoit {WWF World Heavyweight Title Match} (8/10)
Moments - Positives
Some great matches during the last event. A triple header main event during which we witnessed the push of Jericho, Angle and Benoit - the future of the WWF at the time. All three matches delivered and were fantastic - worthy of the event itself. On top of this, there was a great IC title match between Venis and Rikishi who both were out to impress and were looking for their major push in the WWF. There were also some great spots between Angle and The Undertaker which were at times hilarious!
Moments - Negatives
The first couple of matches were quite average and I thought that the main event was slightly too long - this is nitpicking, it was a great show.
It was good to see young wrestlers getting their big pushes and they did not disappoint. It was a very solid show which also felt fresh as The Rock/Triple H ended their feud at the last event and we were seeing new feuds develop and new main eventers shine through. It felt like a turning point of sort.
SCORE = 8.0
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