WWF In Your House 26: Rock Bottom - December 13th 1998 - Vancouver, Canada
Mark Henry/D-lo Brown defeated The Godfather/Val Venis (5/10)
The Headbangers defeated The Oddities (4/10)
Steve Blackman defeated Owen Hart (6/10)
The Brood defeated The JOB Squad (6/10)
Goldust defeated Jeff Jarrett (6/10)
New Age Outlaws defeated Ken Shamrock / Big Bossman {WWF Tag Team Titles} (7/10)
Mankind defeated The Rock via Knockout {WWF World Heavyweight Title} (8/10)
Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker {Buried Alive Match} (9/10)
Moments - Positives
This was a classic show and probably one of the most memorable PPVs of 1998. This was mainly due to a terrific Buried Alive match between Austin and Undertaker which had a terrific ending with Kane coming out of the grave and helping Austin as well as Austin using a fork lift to bury Undertaker. Mankind/Rock continued their feud and the match was another top draw as expected from the two with a very entertaining ending as Mankind actually does not win the title due to Vince McMahon. The tag team match was also very solid.
Moments - Negatives
Some really bizzare match choices in the first half of the card dominated by random tag matches which pretty poor, although none as poor as Headbangers vs Oditties. Its no wonder both teams were taken off WWF TV shortly after this PPV event.
A solid event made by three main event matches that essentially were the selling point of the event. The Buried Alive match will always be remembered and you just have to see it to really understand Austin's popularity and how good these two were after feuding for nearly a year. Perhaps you should skip most of the tag team matches though?
SCORE = 8.5
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